Friday, March 09, 2007

March 9th (4 miles)

Still easing back after the marathon, I decided on this four mile jaunt. Notice the accuracy as I try and remember what direction the towpath goes through that area. Seriously, I can't believe how much gmap-pedometer lacks in the Boston and Trenton area. The LA portion of the site has a ton of trails on it.

Anyway, it was a nice messy run. Being in LA, you rarely have a chance to get some fresh mud on your sneakers. I thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to do so. I chose the towpath specifically for that purpose. At the same time, the area is under construction.

Construction is good because there are port-a-pots around.

Construction is bad because the vehicles rip up all the mud and leave you with very little traction. So, I was slip sliding around more than anticipated.

Constuction workers are fine by me. They come up with clever things to say like, "You'll give yourself a black eye with those." That one always makes me chuckle.

When I got home, the crocuses that had previous been stunted because of the snow were peaking through again. I'm hoping that if this weather keeps up and I run more along the canal and the Delaware I'll get lucky and see some ducklings. They're so cute.


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