Monday, April 09, 2007

Crave the pain was a way better name

So this weekend felt good, until... and there's always an until isn't there? But let's start with the good.

As expected, I was dragging on Saturday morning. We didn't get home from the movies until 1:30. Waking up the next morning at 7:00 was not my idea of fun. However, soccer is my idea of fun, so everything evened out. It was a hard fought battle, but we ended up losing 1-0. We had so many opportunities but couldn't convert. That's always so frustrating.

After soccer I hightailed it over to the gym to put in my am run. 4 miles at 6.7 mph. I'm happy with my speed thus far, but I want to keep pushing to go a little faster. In the evening, I squeezed in 3 more miles just running around the neighborhood, it was sweet. Then there was much sleep to be had. Hoo-ray!

Oh, also, I guess it was Friday, Paul signed up to be one of our Wild Miles volunteers. He's requested to be on one of the legs I'm running. It will be nice to have his beautiful face greet me. He's already talking about how he's going to trash talk the other runners. That's all in the spirit of things. In other Wild Miles news, they posted leg maps. That's nice so we can familiarize ourselves with them. They keep switching up the length of the legs though which makes things a little difficult. I think I've gained two miles. It will be a blast though. I get to use my headlamp for christ sakes!

So anyway, Sunday I got up and put in my 4 miles in the morning again. It was a nice relaxing run as the gym was pretty empty for the Easter celebration (in LA, go figure). But I'll be damned if they don't keep running ads for this Enviga sports drink. I'm not buying it, both in the sense of I don't buy it's claim nor will I actually pay money for it. Here's an idea. You want to burn calories, you're at the gym. Take a lap!

Then Paul and I put ina good hour of tennis. I really love tennis. It's a great stress reliever, plus I like that it's an activity that Paul and I both enjoy. Paul HATES running. I've tried to get him to run with me a few times, but he has ankle and knee issues not to mention our good friend gout. So, I don't bother him anymore.

On the way home after tennis I noticed a billboard on Fairfax of a guy wrapped in the insulating blanket. It's clearly a runner who's finished a marathon. In the bottom corner, tiny as can be, it says Crave the Pain? Now that's a website for me. I was disappointed though when I got home and is acutally I was certainly mislead. The name however, was my only disappointment. It's a Reebok sponsored website (similar to the Nike Top 20 on myspace) that allows people to post favorite runs in their area. I love resources like this. You have my thumbs up.

You know what doesn't have my thumbs up? Me. I made a poor dinner choice last night of Supermarket Sushi and I PAID for it, both in the financially and painful gassy way. Damn, I thought I was going to have an alien shaped like a spicy california roll jump forth from my midsection last night. Today was equally as bad. I've been nursing some saltines and gingerale but I haven't felt good enough to go for a run. I haven't felt good enough to leave this couch. Thank god for The Amazing Race, Heroes and South Park. Delightful.

Happy running to everyone else.


Anonymous said...

At least Paul will trash talk others. I think my stepfather received the wrong memo when he would trash talk me as I ran by (way) back in my days at the junior olympics. All is forgotten though...

I just decided today that I wouldn't date anyone unless they are a runner. Perhaps I should revise that to I won't date anyone unless they support a crazed runner?

Hollywood said...

Believe me, my father was the same way. It's never how good did you do, it's could you have done better? I don't know if your stepfather is in the same condition as my father, but I always wanted to say "i don't see you running any marathons, sucker!"

The aside is that I love my father more than anything.

I think you're right with not just looking for runners to date, but looking for people who understand runners. I've learned better than to ask anyone to run with me, but Paul has been the most supportive boyfriend that I could ask for. He's driven me to races, picked me up from races and volunteered at races.

I have to say that any relationship is very give and take. The reason that Paul and i function so well is that we help each other. We always are asking for favors. If the other answers "no," we get it cause sometimes life doesn't come together so easy. But for every race he helps me with, there's a prescription I pick up, or convention that I help out with or a meal that I make.

That's what friends and significant others are for. Life is about helping others out. It's helping the world go round.